To keep this site in this clear, I am not going to give you "resources" on where piracy sites exist. I CAN tell you about clients though; P2P filesharing clients and other P2P networks are not "illegal", they are not "stealing" inherently; they are just rather preferably used for that purpose for use of piracy.
Using "torrenting" to mean "piracy" is a bit of a misnomer. Rather, torrenting is downloading files on a network instead of it going through a central server. It is just simply associated with pirating because it's pretty much the easiest way to do it.
I however, I am a proud pirate. Without piracy and distribution of files, a lot of movies, books, anime, and games could have been considered "Lost Media" by now. Nosferatu would have been declared forever lost if it weren't for the use of bootlegs and copying. Not to mention, the idea that a corporate company will lose millions and millions of profits is something to guilt trip you. A couple of nerds ripping movies on a CD is not enough to singlehandedly topple Disney. In fact, I believe Disney should be toppled.
Don't worry, I have a merciful streak to me. I have bought indie games as a way of creator support and also books and manga that I read and enjoyed. I however, refuse to pay for triple AAA games.
Did you know DRM makes games perform worst, so you're not getting your money's worth exactly? I personally do not play newly released games at all, but it is so blatantly anti-consumer that it shocked me. Resident Evil 8 performed considerably better after its DRM was removed.
I am of the personal opinion you also should keep more physical media. USBs, hard disks (or SSDs), or CDs. Something being stored in a "cloud" will be gone anytime, at any moment. In fact, I will try to see if I can download my website from Neocities (I am a newbie, so I do not know if I can). In the internet, there is hardly any permenance, unfortunately; hence which is why you need to be wary of using cloud-based services to store your files.
As nerdy as I am, I do believe overreliance on technology to perform "convenience" is often a lie. Those voluntary wiretap services such as an Amazon Echo or a Google Nest should NOT be in your home whatsoever. Okay, bit of a tangent. But yes, nothing is "permanent" and it is not safe to store files and important information that you have a desire to keep. Try to make more of a habit of using physical objects for storage. Also, do NOT put your social security number (if you are American) or any identity documents (if you are Taiwanese like me/not-really-American) in your phone.